Heirloom Nantes Coreless Carrot Seeds by Stonysoil Seed Company

Heirloom Nantes Coreless Carrot Seeds by Stonysoil Seed Company
  • $15.07
A truly great variety that has withstood the test and taste of time.Sow early spring and make successive plantings. Can be grown in containers and deal for raised garden beds as prefers well prepared soil for best root development TRY SOME ORANGE GLAZED NANTES CARROTS
  • Packet contains 100 plus seeds handpacked with heart and care by STONYSOIL SEED COMPANY
  • Sweet 6 to 7 inch scarlet orange beauties are coreless and quite early about 60 days
  • Grow as sping and fall crops in northcan also grow as winter crop in south
  • Great for urban gardens and small spaces
  • Packed with vitamins and calcium