Control Solutions 82003599 Taurus SC Termiticide/Insecticide
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Control Solutions 82003599 Taurus SC Termiticide/Insecticide
Taurus SC termiticide/insecticide contains 9.1% Fipronil. Available in 20 fl.Oz/ 78 fl.Oz/ 2.5 gallon. Effective immediately, The Taurus SC use Directions includeup to four (4) applicationsper year at The 0.03% dilution rate for outside surfaces & along the foundation perimeter of listed structures.- Effective against Ants, Beetles, Black Widow Spiders, Box-elder Bugs, Brown Recluse Spiders, Centipedes, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, House Crickets, Millipedes, Pill Bugs, Silverfish, Termites
- Labeled for barrier applications targeting occasional invaders around structures
- Taurus SC is a non-repellent insecticide that is undetectable to target pests, allowing them touch, ingest and spread the insecticide throughout the entire colony.
- Taurus SC's effects are seen within one to three days (other pests within the first week)
- Can not be shipped to NY or CT