Verdana Cold Pressed Neem Oil 16 Fl. Oz - Unrefined, Filtered - Hi...

-11% Verdana Cold Pressed Neem Oil 16 Fl. Oz - Unrefined, Filtered - Hi...

Verdana Cold Pressed Neem Oil 16 Fl. Oz - Unrefined, Filtered - High Azadirachtin Content - 100% Neem Oil, Nothing Added or Removed - Indoor/Outdoor Leafshine, Pet Care, Skin Care, Hair Care

INCI Name: Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Oil. Verdana Cold-pressed High Quality Neem oil is 100% Neem oil with nothing added and nothing removed. It is totally chemical-free. Neem oi has been used in Ayurveda for centuries for various purposes. It is very safe to humans, pets, bees, birds etc., and so can be used both indoor and outdoor. It easily bio-degrades and does not leave harsh residues behind. Neem oil spray is safe for pets while being effective for pet skin issues. For humans too, Neem oil is a great ingredient for skin and hair products. It is usually mixed with other ingredients and used due to its strong garlicky smell. Please see product label for information and directions on how to use Neem oil. (Buyers are responsible to take adequate precautions and conduct their own tests to confirm suitability of this product for the intended use including regulatory requirements).
  • Pure, Cold-pressed, completely natural, totally free of chemicals. 100% High Quality Neem oil, nothing added or removed. Please see Description for organic status.
  • Neem oil is very effective as indoor/ outdoor plant leaf-shine. Readily bio-degradable and does not leave harsh residues behind.
  • Safe for pets and very effective for pet skin care.
  • Great ingredient for Skin Care, Hair Care products and DIY Cosmetic projects.
  • Voted: 583
  • Brand: Organic Verdana
  • Product Code: Neem-16oz
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $32.30
  • $28.73



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