United Scope
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The AmScope M158C-2L-E1 digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 25x widefi..
AmScope 40X-1000X Glass Lens Metal Frame C&F LED Compound Microscope + Slide Kit & BookThe AmScope M..
The AmScope M158C-2L-PB10-WM monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 25x..
The AmScope M158C-E1 digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 25x widefield..
The AmScope M158C-E2 digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 25x widefield..
The AmScope M200B monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 20x widefield ..
The AmScope M200B-LED cordless monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 2..
The AmScope M200B-MS-LED cordless monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield an..
The AmScope M200C-PS100-WM-E digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 25x w..
The AmScope M220-E digital monocular compound microscope has a 10x widefield eyepiece, a forward-fac..
The AmScope M220B monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 20x widefield ..
The AmScope M220B-E digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 20x widefield ..
The AmScope M500A-LED cordless monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 1..
The AmScope M500B-MS-LED cordless monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield an..
The AmScope M600B monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x widefield and 20x widefield ..
The AmScope M600C-E1 digital monocular compound microscope has interchangeable 10x and 25x widefield..
The AmScope M60A-ABS-PB10 monocular compound microscope has 10x widefield and 16x widefield eyepiece..
This biological microscope is specially designed for students. It offers six levels of magnification..
The AmScope M60C-ABS-PS100-WM monocular compound microscope has 10x widefield and 20x widefield eyep..
The AmScope M60C-ABS-PS50-WM monocular compound microscope has 10x widefield and 20x widefield eyepi..