Triclopyr 4 EC Compare to Garlon 4 and Remedy 1 Gallon

Triclopyr 4 EC Compare to Garlon 4 and Remedy 1 Gallon

Triclopyr 4 EC Compare to Garlon 4 and Remedy 1 Gallon

Triclopyr 4 herbicide provides broad spectrum control of select woody brush & broadleaf weeds. Control tough vegetation with year-round flexible application options. Triclopyr 4 has a wide variety of applications, including turf, forestry, range pastures, rights-of-way, and on non-irrigation ditch banks. Ester formulation Selective control - little or no impact on grasses Ideal for pasture restoration Permissible to treat seasonably dry wetlands Tank mix compatible (as directed on label) High and low application rates, including aerial Easily absorbed through leaves and roots Foliar and Basal treatments Weeds controlled but not limited too include: Salt Cedar Canada Thistle Mustard Purple Loosestrife Gallberry Wax Myrtle Blackberry
  • Highly Concentrated Non-toxic Vitamin Solution Invigorating All Variety of Greenery for Home Gardeners and Professionals Alike
  • Super thrive Maximizes Potential by Quickly Building a Strong Root Base and Reducing Transplant Shock
  • Super thrive Replenishes the Soil to Nourish and Encourage the Natural Building Blocks That Plants Make Themselves under Optimum Conditions
  • Not sold in WI,SD
  • Voted: 1078
  • Brand: ALLIGARE
  • Product Code: B0073M8UHI
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $95.55



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