TRADESMART All-in-One Shooting Ear Protection Kit, Free From Pain ...

TRADESMART All-in-One Shooting Ear Protection Kit, Free From Pain ...

TRADESMART All-in-One Shooting Ear Protection Kit, Free From Pain & Discomfort, Earmuffs, Earplugs, Glasses & Carrying Case

  • 8,000+ SATISFIED SHOOTERS and counting! Join the TradeSmart revolution by getting your own pair of top of the line gun shooting ear protection muffs and gun range eye protection. TradeSmart gear fits men, women, adults & teens with its flexible design, and the very best in shooter tech: ANSI & TradeSmart certified NRR 28 earmuffs for shooting range and eye protection for gun range.
  • MIGHTY NRR 38 COMBO: Get extra noise-reduction when you combine your NRR 28 range ear protection muffs with your NRR 33 shooting ear plugs. Together, they provide a staggering NRR 38 decibel defense combo. With TradeSmart, you have options, and we cover those options with a 10-year warranty plan.
  • z87.1 SAFETY GLASSES: Our eye protection for shooting glasses a steel ball going 150mph! And unlike others, ours come with thin, flat arms. You get the perfect noise seal from our shooting ear muffs, and avoid all the pain and discomfort that often comes from uncertified gear that digs into your temples! TradeSmart safety glasses for shooting range also feature both anti-scratch & anti-fogging features, and UV 400-rated protection!
  • WHAT YOU GET: 1x NRR 28 range headphones, 1x clear shooting glasses for women, 1x tinted shooting glasses for women, 1x microfiber pouch per pair of gun range glasses, 5x pairs of NRR 33 ear plugs, and 1x hard carrying case that fits ear muffs for shooting range and two pairs of womens shooting glasses. Microfiber pouch material cleans lenses without damaging the anti-fog coating!
  • THE CHERRY ON TOP: All our products carry a 10-year easy-claim warranty. Wear TradeSmart gun range ear protection and other shooting accessories with confidence, knowing that we’ll be around for 10 years to service your gear if necessary. We also believe in “give and get”, so we redirect a percentage of our profits to Children’s Charity. Your purchase today will directly help underprivileged kids! :)
  • Voted: 297
  • Brand: Tradesmart
  • Product Code: 5060599560113
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $60.19



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