Anjon Lifeguard 10 ft. x 35 ft. 45 Mil EPDM Pond Liner and Underla...
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Anjon Lifeguard 10 ft. x 35 ft. 45 Mil EPDM Pond Liner and Underlayment Combo
- Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner is marketed in hundreds of pond kits, and installed in thousands of water features, worldwide. Professionals trust their reputation to LifeGuard Pond Liner!
- Durable and Puncture Resistant! LifeGuard Pond Liner is extremely versatile and is used in a wide variety of applications, including: Pondless Waterfalls, Skimmers and Waterfalls, Retention and Koi Ponds, and Fish Hatcheries.
- Resists UV deterioration and contains no plasticizers which become brittle and cause cracks and splits. LifeGuard Pond Liner is virtually indestructible; unaffected by hydrocarbons, mildew, rot, and freeze-thaw cycles!
- LifeGuard Pond Liner is Certified by Guardian Systems, Inc. and easily attaches to filtering waterfalls and skimmers. Readily accepts pipe and hose penetration without leaks, and can be easily seamed. Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner comes with a Standard 25-Year Manufacturer's Warranty; but, when properly installed with UnderGuard Underlayment Nonwoven Geotextile, Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner is warrantied for LIFE!
- 115 lbs. Ships Ground Package