The Eton Latin Grammar: Elementary; For Use in the Lower Forms Cl...

The Eton Latin Grammar: Elementary; For Use in the Lower Forms Cl...
The oldE tonL atinG rammar, written for the use of the school, maintained its ground until, with the advance of scholarship, it was felt by teachers to be antiquated, and fell into disuse. It is now desired to revive atE ton anE tonL atinG rammar, for the use of the school. Of this Grammar, Part 1, Elementary, is intended to meet the requirements of the boys in the lower Forms. An Elementary Grammar should make the acquirement of the language easier, and not harder, to the boy. It should not add to his difficulties by the multiplication of technical terms, or by intricacies of arrangement. Bather it should by a certain homeliness of explanation, as well as by clearness of method, place within the reach of his understanding and his industry the knowledge which he is expected to obtain. Such is the aim of the present work, which has been undertaken at my request. The Eton Latin Grammar is the property of the school, and may therefore be altered or amended from time to time, as the authorities of the school shall see fit. EDMOND WAEEE. Barons Down, August
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

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