Syngenta - 25837 - Avid 0.15EC - Miticide/Insecticide - 8 oz

-5% Syngenta - 25837 - Avid 0.15EC - Miticide/Insecticide - 8 oz

Syngenta - 25837 - Avid 0.15EC - Miticide/Insecticide - 8 oz

Avid 0. 15 EC Miticide Insecticide is the best insecticide for mites and leaf miners. The label for Avid now includes the suppression of whiteflies, aphids, and thrips. Growers, nursery and landscape professionals depend on Avid 0. 15 EC Miticide Insecticide for their ornamentals because it provides unmatched protection against leaf miners and mites. Use in the resistance management program rotation because its one-of-a-kind chemistry and mode of action. For suppression of aphids, thrips, and whiteflies, apply when young, immature stages of these insects are first observed and repeat every 7 days for 2 or 3 weeks. After which time, rotate to other products that have different modes of action than Avid 0. 15 EC for at least 2-3 weeks. Aphids, thrips, and whiteflies are killed by direct contact with the Avid 0. 15 EC spray.
  • Avid, an industry-leading miticide/insecticide, controls mites and leafminers and provides suppression of aphids, thrips and whiteflies.
  • Formulated for easy application
  • Highly versatile and Broad-spectrum
  • Effective on both foliage and flowers and is an ideal product for a wide variety of application sites, resulting in less products to keep in inventory
  • Suppresses other key insect populations while controlling all key ornamental mites with fewer tank mixes
  • Rapid movement throughout the entire leaf provides longer protection and is well suited for use in Integrated Crop Management programs
  • The date printed on the item is the release date of the item and not the expiration date
  • Voted: 1135
  • Brand: Syngenta
  • Product Code: HO-546024897
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $109.49
  • $103.48



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