Colour Atlas of Tropical Dermatology and Venerology

Colour Atlas of Tropical Dermatology and Venerology

Colour Atlas of Tropical Dermatology and Venerology

and the development of resistance such recommenda­ The aim of this atlas is to provide clear guidance and a source of quick and easy reference for all physicians tions can, of course, only be of a general nature in an dealing with patients suffering from exotic skin diseases atlas such as this. The practising physician is therefore and for medical staff working in tropical and sub­ recommended to consult pertinent standard texts and guidelines on the respective diseases. Synonyms do tropical regions. It is not designed to replace the numerous excellent textbooks on tropical diseases and not change as rapidly as recommended treatments, and dermatology, but rather to supplement and com­ in an atlas of tropical dermatology and venerology are plement them in a practical way. indispensable to those readers whose first language is not the same as that used in the text: Thus, in addition The text and illustrations are the result of the per­ sonal experience gained from around the world in the to the English names, Spanish, French, German, Latin last forty years, and thus provide the reader with easy and local names as far as they are known are quoted to understand practical information on tropical and for each condition. Finally, for some infectious skin diseases, the distribution and life cycles of the parasites venereal diseases and ubiquitous dermatoses of the tropics and subtropics. are shown in maps and diagrams.
  • Voted: 5041
  • Brand: Springer
  • Product Code: 3642762026
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $191.99



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