seed kingdom Cantaloupe Hales Best Jumbo Melon Heirloom Vegetable ...

seed kingdom Cantaloupe Hales Best Jumbo Melon Heirloom Vegetable ...

seed kingdom Cantaloupe Hales Best Jumbo Melon Heirloom Vegetable 3,000 Seeds

85 Days. A delicious heirloom that has been grown since 1924. The fruit can weigh 3-6 pounds and about 7" long.This melon smells so GREAT, it's what you dream of when you think cantaloupe. You can smell them from the garden when they are ripe. It's the cantaloupe that you remember your grandparents growing. Try to find a place for this melon in your garden, you won't be sorry! . This plant will grow about 5' wide and a foot tall, so plan accordingly.
  • Cucumis melo
  • Days Until Harvest: 85
  • Heirloom vegetable
  • Try to find a place for this melon in your garden, you won't be sorry!
  • You can smell them from the garden when they are ripe.
  • Voted: 558
  • Brand: seed kingdom
  • Product Code: melonhalesbestjumbo1/4
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $23.66



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