Roamwild PestOff Red Squirrel Proof Cardinal Bird Feeder Mixed See...

Roamwild PestOff Red Squirrel Proof Cardinal Bird Feeder Mixed See...

Roamwild PestOff Red Squirrel Proof Cardinal Bird Feeder Mixed Seed Sunflower Heart Version

ALL METAL PESTOFF CARDINAL RED SQUIRREL PROOF BIRD FEEDER is automatically squirrel proof, there are no settings to adjust. This no squirrel weight activated squirrel proof bird feeder means that squirrels, baby squirrels, the smaller red squirrels, large birds & rats cannot steal your precious bird food. Ideal for any mixed seed mix, great for feeding any sunflower seeds/hearts or safflower seed. This squirrel resistant bird feeder is both safe and humane. Unlike other squirrel proof bird feeders, the clever design of the Roamwild PestOff Bird feeder actually denies squirrels, large birds & rats easy access onto the feeder. When a large bird, baby squirrel lands on one of the perches, the perch hatch moves downwards blocking off access to the food. Once the large pest has alighted from the perch, the perch hatch automatically returns to its open position awaiting for the next songbird to feed, or to stop the next pest! Each of the 2 feeding ports are individually spring loaded and shut out larger birds like pigeons, doves, grackles and blackbirds, rats and squirrels It has been designed by a designer that came from Dyson, so has been tested thoroughly so it works! The design is easy to fill and comes apart quickly to allow easy and regular cleaning. Unlike most weight resistant bird feeders, above each seed port is a weather protection guard feature that prevents rain entering the seed ports. This keeps the seed dry and fresh preventing any seed clogging, a common problem in most feeders. With a 2.6LBS capacity this feeder is maintenance friendly and will not need topping up every day. The Roamwild PestOff WATERPROOF no squirrel feeder has a non-spill lip feature to prevent seed easily falling out if bashed by large birds or squirrels. Tough chew-proof 304 grade stainless steel seed port protection plates prevent any chewing and pecking damage, and with the UV stabilized materials, all materials used shrug off ALL weather. chipmunk proof bird feeder.
  • ALL METAL RED CARDINAL DESIGN - LARGE 2.6LBS CAPACITY - NOT JUST A 100% SQUIRREL PROOF CARDINAL BIRD FEEDER - ALSO BABY SQUIRREL PROOF, red squirrel proof, chipmunk proof bird feeder, and LARGE BIRD PROOF. Pests cannot feed so it SAVES you money! Roamwild PestOff Warranty Included.
  • WEATHER PROOF & WATERPROOF - KEEPS SEED DRY & FRESH - The PestOff bird feeder has a built in weather guard to keep the seed fresh and dry to prevent seed clogging. Seed clogging is a common problem with other weight activated bird feeders that have no seed protection.
  • NO SETTINGS TO ADJUST - AUTOMATICALLY PEST PROOF - The PestOff bird feeder has INDIVIDUALLY spring loaded perches that never need adjusting, it is ready to go straight out of the box. This also prevents the feeding ports closing when too many birds try to feed from the feeder at the same time, a common problem with single mechanism weight responsive squirrel proof feeders.
  • SO SIMPLE TO USE AND FILL - Simply open the lid and fill. No need to take the whole feeder apart to fill. The PestOff bird feeder simply 'clicks' apart for easy cleaning, no nuts and bolts to remove and replace. Seed container is made from thick UV stable Polycarbonate.
  • VERY LARGE capacity of 2.6LBS, so no need for constant refilling. Ideal for feeding sunflower hearts or safflower seed or any mixed seed mixes / blends. Woodpecker & Cardinal friendly. Hassle Free Warranty. If you are not 100% satisfied we will give you your money back. Roamwild PestOff Warranty Included.
  • Voted: 1939
  • Brand: Roamwild
  • Product Code: B07BB14J68
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $69.99



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