Passion Flower Seeds - Passiflora Ligularis, Sweet Grenadilla - Fl...

Passion Flower Seeds - Passiflora Ligularis, Sweet Grenadilla - Fl...

Passion Flower Seeds - Passiflora Ligularis, Sweet Grenadilla - Flowering and Fruiting Vine Seeds - Evergreen Climber. 10 Seeds.

  • Passion Flower Vine is usually grown at elevations between 2500 - 10,000 feet in the tropics and down to sea level in the subtropics.
  • It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are in the 70's F but cannot take freezing temperatures.
  • Requires a humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil and a position in dappled shade. Water well. Does best in soils without fertilizer. Plants produce tendrils and climb by attaching these to other plants. Plants are very tolerant of pruning and can be cut back to ground level if required to rejuvenate the plant.
  • Soak the flower seed 24 hours before planting, and sow the Passion Flower seeds 1/4 inch deep in good compost or potting soil. In place of soaking in water, you can soak them in pulpy passion fruit juice. The acid helps break down the seed shell and helps in germination.
  • Marde Ross & Company has been a Licensed California since 1985.
  • Voted: 429
  • Brand: Rising Phoenix
  • Product Code: B07Y7KQLNN
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.98



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