Police Magnum 3 Pepper Spray 1/2oz Hot Pink Molded Keychain 3 Quic...
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Police Magnum 3 Pepper Spray 1/2oz Hot Pink Molded Keychain 3 Quick Release Self Defense Security Strength
- Self Defense Pepper Spray pack of 3 0.5 oz Hot Pink Molded Keychain 3 Quick Release Keychain Security Police Strength. Be PRO-active and protect yourself and your loved ones before something happens
- One hand operation
- Range up to 10-12 feet
- To be fully capable, you must engulf the assailant's face, especially the eyes, nose, and mouth
- Causes no permanent injuries. Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable
- To offer such low prices on name brand product we buy directly from the manufacturer in bulk, which means without retail store packaging. We ship the items in a sealed bag
- Made in the USA
- Expiration Date: 2022
- Self Defense Pepper Spray pack of 3 0.5 oz HOT PINK Case with 3 Quick Release Molded Keychain Police Magnum OC-17
- Hot Pink COMPACT pepper spray keychain set for men, women, walkers, joggers, runners, works great for aggressive dogs too - maximum strength pepper spray with the world's most reliable protection
- Range up to 10 - 12 feet. One of the most effective sprays to ever be in the defense market
- This pocket, easy to use personal defense spray key chain is one of the most powerful concentrations of pepper spray allowed by law. Made in the USA.