4 QTY All in One Mushroom Grow Kits 5 LBS Rye Grain and Compost Su...

4 QTY All in One Mushroom Grow Kits 5 LBS Rye Grain and Compost Su...

4 QTY All in One Mushroom Grow Kits 5 LBS Rye Grain and Compost Substrate

4 of our rye grain & compost all in one mushroom growing kits. Each of these kits includes two pounds of rye grain and three pounds of our unique blend of organic sterilized mushroom compost. Made from fully composted and aged manure, peat moss, vermiculite and finally shredded hardwood mulch, packaged in a sealed mycobag with .2 micron filter patch. Simply inject your favorite spores or live culture through the self-healing injection port, incubate and wait. Once the mycelium has colonized the grain mix the bag and the mycelium will colonize the compost. Once the bag is fully colonized you can fruit in the bag or place in a terrarium. Bags are fully sterile, shrink-wrapped and will arrive at your door ready to use.
  • 4 x five-pound all in one mushroom grow kits
  • ready in inject with your favorite spores or liquid culture
  • able to produce pounds of fresh mushrooms
  • Voted: 467
  • Brand: MycoHaus
  • Product Code: B0736D8BD9
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $107.94



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