Mind Alive Tru - Vu Omniscreen Eyeset

Mind Alive Tru - Vu Omniscreen Eyeset

White Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyeset  ( Includes eyeset cord and eyeset case)

Our unique patented Tru-Vu OmniscreenTM Eyesets have been carefully designed to provide you with the most effective and safe light and sound experience. These eyesets use eight white, wide angle LEDs mounted over a silver reflector behind a translucent screen. This disperses the light evenly and protects the LEDs. These LEDs are extremely efficient and last for over 100,000 hours. Because they draw so little power, they also allow for longer battery use.

  • Voted: 7581
  • Brand: Mind Alive
  • Product Code: truvuwhite
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $110.00



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