Anjon Lifeguard 25 ft. x 25 ft. 45 Mil EPDM Pond Liner
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Anjon Lifeguard 25 ft. x 25 ft. 45 Mil EPDM Pond Liner
- Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner is marketed in hundreds of pond kits, and installed in thousands of water features, worldwide. Professionals trust their reputation to LifeGuard Pond Liner!
- Durable and Puncture Resistant! LifeGuard Pond Liner is extremely versatile and is used in a wide variety of applications, including: Pondless Waterfalls, Skimmers and Waterfalls, Retention and Koi Ponds, and Fish Hatcheries.
- Resists UV deterioration and contains no plasticizers which become brittle and cause cracks and splits. LifeGuard Pond Liner is virtually indestructible; unaffected by hydrocarbons, mildew, rot, and freeze-thaw cycles!
- LifeGuard Pond Liner is Certified by Guardian Systems, Inc. and easily attaches to filtering waterfalls and skimmers. Readily accepts pipe and hose penetration without leaks, and can be easily seamed.
- Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner comes with a Standard 25-Year Manufacturer's Warranty; but, when properly installed with UnderGuard Underlayment Nonwoven Geotextile, Anjon Manufacturing's EPDM LifeGuard Pond Liner is warrantied for LIFE! UnderGuard Underlayment NOT INCLUDED! This item ships via LTL Freight: Accurate phone number required to schedule delivery (lift-gate service is NOT included).