Leverback Earring Card Punch Standard
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Leverback Earring Card Punch (Standard)
The Leverback punch punches approximately 3/4 inch from edge of paper. The punched area is approximately 1 1/2 inch wide and approximately 1/4 inch height. ***********************************************************************************************************************************MANUFACTURERS-REPLACEMENT POLICY: There is a 1 year (no fuss) replacement for punches. IF PURCHASED DIRECTLY WITH PACKASMILE LLC THE MANUFACTURER/INVENTOR. (***LOOK AT SELLER NAME. FOR MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. SELLER SHOULD BE PACKASMILE LLC). This product is Protected by US Pat No. 8,763,503. PLEASE NOTE- PACKASMILE LLC is the Manufacturer (Inventor)That this is the original earring card punches from the inventor of these products. If you see a similar product being sold elsewhere-Those products are not authorized by the inventor and may be infringing intellectual property rights.- Create earring cards easy.
- Punches holes evenly every time.
- Display your leverback earrings, hoops, fish hook earrings, pins or brooches.
- Easily create your own brand- can be used with business cards, cardstock even greeting cards.
- 1 year "No Fuss" Replacement warranty.