Tri Jet ULV Non Thermal Fogger

Tri Jet ULV Non Thermal Fogger

Tri Jet ULV Non Thermal Fogger

Createch USA Inc. is a leading manufacturer and industry expert within the fogging and atomizing machine industry. Our products are designed for versatility and have been proven reliable for a variety of applications within industrial, commercial, municipal, agricultural, environmental and residential sites. All of our products are UL rated and made here in the U.S.A. We are a FAMILY owned and operated company.This is a cold Non-Thermal fogger so the solution will come out as a ultra low volume liquid fine mist rather than a gas like it would with a thermal fogger.Pest Control Synopsis:The Commander Tri Jet Fogger is an excellent unit for handling a variety of pest control needs. The unit can apply both water and oil based insecticides and fumigants and is commonly used in residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial settings. Common Applications include: Kennels, Stables, Barns, Warehouses, Restaurants, Apartments, Residential Homes, and under almost all buildings.
  • The Createch Commander is Made in the USA, which can't be said by competitor units such as the Silver Bullet. Moreover, the Commander Tri Jet Fogger motor is UL rated, which means its SAFE. Similar knock off foreign products ARE NOT UL RATED.
  • The versatility of this unit allows you to fog with both water and oil base materials and may be used either indoors or outdoors.
  • Createch's non thermal fogger can by used for Mold and Mildew Control, Sterilization/Sanitizer Fogging, Pest Control Fogging, Applying Concrobium Mold Control, and Insect Fumigation. This fogger can be used with almost any solution/chemical whether its oil based, cedar oil based, or water Based Solutions.
  • The combination of the Commader Tri Jet Foggers adjustable valve and the tornado action nozzle allows you to maximize mist up to 30 feet directionally.
  • Createch USA Inc. is a 30 year leading manufacturer and industry expert within the fogging and atomizing machine industry. Our products are designed for versatility and have been proven reliable for a variety of applications within industrial, commercial, municipal, agricultural, environmental and residential sites. We offer standard five year warranties on the Commander Fogger. All of our products are UL rated and made here in the U.S.A. We are a family owned and operated company.
  • Voted: 2299
  • Brand: Createch USA
  • Product Code: 897851018878
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $359.99



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