Humboldt Equilibrium Natural Nutrient - Quart - HNE405
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Equilibrium Natural can be applied to all crops including vegetable crops, row crops, field crops, trees, vines, ornamentals, gardens and landscaping. Add to fertilizer mix for plants growing in soil, potting mixes, soil-less rooting media and hydroponics. Equilibrium Natural can also be used in foliar sprays.Equilibrium Natural can be used by the indoor and outdoor home gardener for all varieties of plants, such as flowers, vegetables, herbs, trees, berries, shrubs, ornamental, annuals and perennials.Plants and gardens must have accessible calcium and magnesium to successfully grow, fruit and flower. In thorough tests conducted by the Humboldt Nutrients team throughout the hills and valleys of Northern California this specific solution of Ca and Mg dominated the competition in side-by-side trials.If you want to reap a large bountiful harvest your plants must receive the correct ratio of Calcium to Magnesium throughout its life cycle; but for that harvest to be flavorful, sweet and aromatic, one must ensure that the Ca and Mg you are feeding your garden is derived from high quality source materials.Application rates: Hydroponic applications: Use 1-5 ml per gallon of reservoir water. Change nutrient solution weekly to avoid excess sediment.