Collapse - Suburban Survival Solutions

Collapse - Suburban Survival Solutions
History teaches there are many reasons to be prepared. The Carrington Event, Terrorism, Cyber Warfare, Hurricane Katrina, Pandemics, Electromagnetic Pulse, and many other events are all recognizable Shots Across the Bow. With proper preparations, you can survive almost any crisis at home without maintaining a bug out location or retreat. Suburban survival is possible provided you begin preparing now, develop some life saving skill sets, and surround yourself with like-minded people willing to share resources and skills. This book covers critical concepts, builds some important systems, examines lifesaving preparations, and encourage additional due diligence. Rainwater Collection, Water Purification, the Portable Solar Power System, Long Term Food Storage, Medical Supplies, Gardening, Alternative Cooking, Faraday Protection, Security, Survival Groups, and the inevitable collapse are all covered. Many seemingly invincible civilizations have collapsed in the past. History foreshadows the future as current economic and geopolitical events advance the road to collapse. Many people have distinct advantages in survival situations. Obviously those who have lived their entire lives as a survivalist are in the best position. Classic woodsmen and those having bushcraft expertise are well positioned. Veterans have an advantage with valuable skill sets including security and firearms. Farmers and prolific gardeners are a step ahead of most people. Maybe you grew up in a rural area where cutting firewood and heating the family home with a wood stove or fireplace was a way of life. Surviving a crisis situation should not be limited to those who have survival life experiences. Surviving a crisis is possible for anyone who reacts to the warning signs and makes the necessary commitment to preparedness.
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Voted: 2505
  • Brand: Time Draws Nigh
  • Product Code: 0692379924
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $26.98



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