Super Grow Lasers The Super Grow Dome 90

Super Grow Lasers The Super Grow Dome 90

Faster Results - The 90 Laser Dome

Comes with 90 lasers and a fully adjustable stand.

Dome hoods are the standard method of laser delivery in the professional salons. This allows the lasers to be aimed at the scalp at a direct degree angle from all sides.

Want faster results? Now you can have the ultimate in thicker, fuller hair with our new 90 Laser Dome. Our fifty laser two-panel system is a very effective hair laser. But why stop there? With the power of ninety lasers, our new dome makes it possible to have the absolute best coverage possible.

Who needs this? Anyone who wants the best coverage possible, and the most power in a home system. In order to get more lasers in a professional system, you have to go to a laser hair therapy salon.

Women get the best results with the 90 laser dome

Because of the longer hair, and the more diffused thinning pattern, women will do best with the 90 laser dome. It gives the best coverage and has enough lasers to make it through the longer hair of women. For female hair loss, the 90 laser dome is the right choice.

Get the power of 10 handheld brushes

With 90 lasers, this dome literally has the power of ten laser brushes. The leading laser brush has nine lasers. Here you are getting ten times as many. At one and a half times the cost.

Your Super Grow 90 laser dome comes with a fully adjustable stand, complete instructions and the satisfaction of knowing you have the absolute best laser hair laser available in a home system.

  • Voted: 3670
  • Brand: Laser Max
  • Product Code: AR1503
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $734.00



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