Super Grow Lasers The Super Grow Dome 60

Super Grow Lasers The Super Grow Dome 60

Faster Results - The 60 Laser Dome

Comes with 60 lasers and a fully adjustable stand.

Dome hoods are the standard method of laser delivery in the professional salons. This allows the lasers to be aimed at the scalp at a direct degree angle from all sides.

Want faster results? Now you can have the ultimate in thicker, fuller hair with our new Laser Dome hair laser. Our fifty laser two-panel system is a very effective hair laser. But why stop there? With the power of sixty lasers, our new dome makes it possible to have the absolute best coverage possible.

Who needs this? Anyone who wants the best coverage possible, and the most power in a home system. In order to get more lasers in a professional system, you have to go to a laser hair therapy salon.

With sixty lasers, this dome literally has the power of six laser brushes. The leading laser brush has nine lasers. Here you are getting over six times as many. At one and a half times the cost.

Another laser hair therapy result

"The laser is very effective for me. It took about 4-5 months to work, but then I stopped having to go to extremes to keep my scalp from showing when I had my hair styled. My husband took close-up shots of my scalp before and after, and the hairs are definitely more numerous, more closely spaced, as well as thicker. Since my hair is naturally wavy, if I just let it dry without straightening it, it covers up the thin spots itself. I just have to keep the roots colored, since the white roots tend to be visible.

"Actually the physician who was treating me for wrinkles had bought a much more expensive version of the laser therapy with an attached recliner chair and a helmet holding the light source(s). He wanted several thousand dollars to put me into this several month course of therapy, and then I would have to go by his office bi-weekly for expensive touch-ups. I looked at your offerings and I realized that it would be much more cost-effective and more convenient for my schedule if I did it myself. What it takes is determination; I think that the most probable causes of failure are either not still having viable hair follicles (needing a hair transplant) or not using the device after it was purchased."

- S. R.

Better coverage and more lasers to deal with thinning hair

This is the best system for women with thinning hair

Because of longer hair in general, and also because of the more all-over nature of female hair loss, women do best with the coverage offered by a dome laser. Women have a thinning pattern that is different than men. While male pattern baldness tends to focus on the top of the head and hairline, female hair loss is more generalized. For this reason we recommend the dome laser for women.

  • Voted: 5366
  • Brand: Laser Max
  • Product Code: AR1502
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $634.00



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