Red Case Hobby Tools, 33 Piece Deluxe Hobby Tool & Knife Set, Set ...
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Red Case Hobby Tools, 33 Piece Deluxe Hobby Tool & Knife Set, Set Includes: Blades for Cutting, Carving and Crafting - Tools for Hobbyists, Wood Workers and Carvings
This 33-piece deluxe hobby knife set is ideal for arts and crafting projects - - The set comes in a well organized case and includes every type of blade you might need for cutting, carving and crafting - - Scratch awl blades, a caliper, a jeweler's precision screwdriver, tweezers and a bonus pen-type precision screwdriver with six bits round out this versatile hobby knife set - - A great set of tools for hobbyists and wood workers and carving - New, never been used. === Note: To see other low price products +++ Search on Amazon ::::: Dist By Classyjacs- 33 piece hoddy tool set - 26 assorted blades, three standard blade holders and a deluxe blade handle with an ergonomic grip
- Tools included: tweezers, 24 T10 and 2 Scratch awl blades, caliper, jeweler's precision screwdrive
- Most needed tool for hobbest - Also includes: Bonus pen-type screwdriver with 6 bits
- Holders are oil-resistant with comfort grip - Nicely organized in a convenient storage case with handle for carrying
- Note: To see other low price hobby tools +++ Search on Amazon ::::: Dist By Classyjacs Hobby Tools