Eton Reform Classic Reprint

Eton Reform Classic Reprint
Eton, and has been followed by unfriendly and uncandid writers in a popular magazine and in an influential weekly review. At a time of unexampled prosperity, a school, which is in no ordinary sense public, finds itself charged with scandalous deficiencies, assumed to exist on the evidence of one, who apparently intended to treat it as an institution with the utmost tenderness, and to limit his discontent to something particular and almost personal. A friend, who delicately indicates a fault or two, is forced into the service of a rancorous enemy; and a third writer, not stopping to notice the discrepancies of the two first, without asking for information which he must have known to be accessible, takes it for granted that the vituperator is right in matters of fact. It is not well that people should be left in the dark about the state of the school. Neither the defenders nor the reformers of Eton can afford to let Sir John Coleridge be their representative. A clever barrister once tried to get some available notion of Eton from a master in the school, and after a series of well-aimed questions threw up the research with a laugh of despair, saying that Eton was as hard to understand as the British Constitution. Perhaps it is hard to understand for similar reasons.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)

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Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.

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  • Product Code: B0096ZP3XE
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  • $17.40



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