Wheat Berries, 1 Pound - Seeds for Sprouting, Wheatgrass, Bulk, Ko...

-8% Wheat Berries, 1 Pound - Seeds for Sprouting, Wheatgrass, Bulk, Ko...

Wheat Berries, 1 Pound - Seeds for Sprouting, Wheatgrass, Bulk, Kosher, by Food to Live

Wheat grains are considered the main grain crop that was first mastered by mankind.

Wheat grains contain starch and various carbohydrates. Also, wheat grains contain:
vegetable fats;
vitamins of group B, PP, E, C, and others;

Sprouted wheat grain, having a seedling of 1-2 mm, is most valuable in its amino acid, vitamin, and mineral composition compared to conventional ungrown wheat grain.

For example, when germinating, the amount of vitamins E and group B in wheat grain increases several times, since vitamin C is present in the composition.

How to Use

Sprouted wheat is best served for breakfast. Sprouted wheat berries can be consumed both in whole and in a chopped form (chopped in a blender). You can add whole grains of germinated wheat to various salads, soups, side dishes. Shredded sprouted wheat can be used to make healthy cereal and bake bread.


Wheatgrass is prepared by sprouting wheat seeds in water for 7-10 days before harvesting the leaves. Eating raw wheatgrass is more useful than eating cooked wheatgrass as the enzymes responsible for detoxifying the body are thought to be deactivated by cooking foods.

Nutritional info:
Vitamins A, C, E, K and B-complex
Amino acids

Green sprouts of wheat should be consumed fresh within 20 minutes after cutting to get the maximum benefit from this product.

You can consume wheatgrass in many ways: in the form of juice or smoothies; add to various salads and combine with other herbs; prepare sauces and dressings.

It is recommended to store wheat grains in a well-ventilated area and in bags made of natural materials.
  • Buy Premium Quality Wheat Seeds only from Food to Live and SOLD by Food to Live. BEWARE of imitations - we believe in quality seeds.
  • Premium Quality Sprouting Grade
  • High Germination Rate
  • Amazing little seeds that provide great health benefits
  • Wheat is the second most important cereal grass in the world. When sprouted in darkness for two or three days, wheat sprouts are tender and sweet, with a taste similar to watermelon. If allowed to grow for seven days, wheat reaches the
  • Voted: 654
  • Brand: Food to Live
  • Product Code: B00B8KEI7M
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.98
  • $18.44



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