Fluke Networks PRO3000F60-KIT includes Tone Generator & Probe with...

Fluke Networks PRO3000F60-KIT includes Tone Generator & Probe with...

Fluke Networks PRO3000F60-KIT includes Tone Generator & Probe with 60Hz Filter and SmartTone Technology, 4962074

  • Innovative filter technology blocks interference "buzz" that makes tracing difficult, sends loud tone up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) on most cables, easy to hear through drywall, wood, and other enclosures
  • Kit includes: Pro3000F filtered probe with 60Hz frequency filter and Pro3000 tone generator, angled bed-of-nails clips for individual pairs, RJ-11 connector for use on telephone jacks and nylon case which attaches to a belt, replacement tip for probe, requires 9V battery not included
  • SmartTone technology provides five distinct tones for exact pair identification so you can find cables faster on non-active networks
  • Tone and trace wire on non-active networks, filtered/unfiltered mode button with LED (green = filtered, red = unfiltered), 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and volume dial, replaceable tip
  • Loud probe speaker is audible in noisy locations, turns off automatically after 5 minutes to extend battery life
  • Voted: 519
  • Brand: Fluke Networks
  • Product Code: PRO3000F60-KIT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $255.50



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