American Ginseng Seed!! Stratified, Ready to Plant 1-lb
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American Ginseng Seed!! Stratified, Ready to Plant (1-lb)
Ginseng grows naturally in the Eastern half of the United States. Basically along and east of the Mississippi river. In southern range it is limited due to cold required to break dormancy. Ginseng cannot be grown in direct sunlight. 70% to 80% shade is ideal. In selecting a site, a natural woods works very nice, but must have at least a slight slope to avoid sitting water. Best to plant at the top of a hill or on the side of a hill and not at the low end of the hill. A woods with a mix of different types of trees is ideal. The plants can also be grown right in your own yard, but it must be a shady location. Rich, well drained soil on a slight slope is ideal. Ginseng is known to grow in a variety of soils. If other plants grow well, Ginseng will too. Ginseng likes moisture, but hates wetness. A low line area may cause root rot. Stratified American Ginseng Seed. Ginseng seed takes a year and a half before they germinate. Stratified means I have properly stored the seed for one year. And they will germinate this spring. Most will germinate and be growing in May. I float test my seed to remove floaters. Floaters are seed that have a hollow center and will not germinate. I also do a light treatment of bleach to water mix to eliminate any possible disease that may be on the seed surface. So my customers do not have to do that when seed arrives. I advise planting soon after seed arrives for best results, as Ginseng seed is difficult to store properly, especially if you do not know what you are doing. The seed should be planted in soil at least a half inch deep. A fairly detailed planting instructions will be included just to be sure the seed is properly cared for after arrival, and planted properly. Your success is my success, and you will become a repeat customer. We also would like you to take a look at our all natural fertilizer concentrate, and consider pairing that will the ginseng seeds.- Stratified American Ginseng Seed
- 4 Page Planting/Growing/Caring/Handling Instructions included with each order
- Harvest of plant root after 6 or more years can bring prices of $850.00+ a dry pound
- Seed will germinate in the spring of 2020
- Seed has been stratified in a climate controlled environment to ensure 98% germination rate!