Certified Organic Non-GMO Wheatgrass Seeds - 5 Pounds Wheat Seed -...

-7% Certified Organic Non-GMO Wheatgrass Seeds - 5 Pounds Wheat Seed -...

Certified Organic Non-GMO Wheatgrass Seeds - 5 Pounds Wheat Seed - Guaranteed to Grow

USDA Certified Organic and NON-GMO (not genetically modified) Wheatgrass Seed from PowerGrow is the highest quality, organic, locally grown wheatgrass. Unlike other wheatgrass seeds, our seed is GUARANTEED to sprout (when purchased from BGS Supplies or PowerGrow Systems). Because our wheatgrass is farmed and harvested locally, we are able to verify the quality of the seed as well as the ethical farming techniques used for maximum quality. Each bag of wheatgrass seed includes 5 lbs of ORGANIC (not just chemical or herbicide free) wheat seeds along with detailed sprouting instructions. Our seed comes from freshly harvested crops and is germination tested with excellent sprouting rates! You won't find a higher quality organic wheatgrass seed.
  • 5 Pounds Wheatgrass Seeds - 5 LB
  • Certified USDA Organic and NON-GMO
  • Excellent germination rates!
  • PowerGrow Wheatgrass is Guaranteed to Sprout! (Must be PowerGrow Label & Brand)
  • Wheatgrass Seeds are perfect for Juicing, Sprouting, Grinding, Baking, Food Storage and more!
  • Voted: 2332
  • Brand: PowerGrow Systems
  • Product Code: WHEATGRASS-SEED-5LBS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $28.78
  • $26.91



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