Bulk Package of 30,000 Seeds, Texas/Oklahoma Wildflower Mixture 1...

Bulk Package of 30,000 Seeds, Texas/Oklahoma Wildflower Mixture 1...

Bulk Package of 30,000 Seeds, Texas/Oklahoma Wildflower Mixture (100% Pure Live Seed) Non-GMO Seeds by Seed Needs ...

Purchase our Texas / Oklahoma seed Mixture, for a specialty blend of colorful wildflowers that are specifically for the Texas / Oklahoma region. This mixture consists of 22 species of wildflowers, 70% of which are annuals and 20% of which are perennials. The remaining 10% is consisted of biennials and tender perennial wildflowers. The majority of the wildflowers within this mixture will grow to a mature height of 12 to 24 inches tall. Some varieties can grow to as tall as 36 inches tall, and the shortest growing plants will only grow to 4 to 12 inches tall. Annuals will grow quickly from freshly harvested seeds. They bloom profusely through the summer months and later die with the first killing frost. Seeds can easily drop to the bare ground beneath, regrowing fresh plant life the following year. Perennials will establish a deep root system within the first year of growth. The plant life will then wilt on the surface, later returning the following Spring. This blend of Wildflowers will produce plants in practically every color of the rainbow, from red, orange, yellow, blue, violet and even green & white. A few popular favorites are Purple Coneflower, Evening Primrose, Black-Eyed Susan and Red Poppy as well.
  • Quality Wildflower seeds packaged by Seed Needs. Each packet measures 4.625 inches wide by 6.375 inches tall.
  • This mixture consists of 22 species of wildflowers, 70% of which are annuals and 20% of which are perennials. The remaining 10% is consisted of biennials and tender perennial wildflowers.
  • The majority of the wildflowers within this mixture will grow to a mature height of 12 to 24 inches tall. Some varieties can grow to as tall as 36 inches tall, and the shortest growing plants will only grow to 4 to 12 inches tall.
  • A perfect variety of wildflowers for the Texas / Oklahoma region, within the United States.
  • All Wildflower seeds sold by Seed Needs are Non-GMO based seed products and are intended for the current & the following growing season. All seeds are produced from open pollinated plants, stored in a temperature controlled facility and constantly moved out due to popularity.
  • Voted: 904
  • Brand: Seed Needs
  • Product Code: 4316286075
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $24.68



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