
Curvy, sexy Margaret has paid the price for her lawyer/MBA job: long hours at her firm, ceaseless travel, loneliness. When she meets sassy stewardess Ricarda, a friendship grows... until Ricarda confesses her sexual attraction.

Shocked, Margaret must choose either to end the only meaningful relationship in her life... or to be closer to a woman than she ever thought she could be.

First-time F/F erotic romance. Adults only. 55 pages.


"Ricarda, I... I'm going to disappoint you. Wait, let me finish. I know you think I'm this person who will make you happy--maybe for a night, maybe longer. But I won't. I'm just... not good when it comes to this stuff."

"I see," Ricarda said softly. She lifted Margaret's hand again, considering it. "Can I offer my thoughts?"

"I dunno," Margaret replied, laughing nervously. "Every time you do, it seems I cave in."

Ricarda looked into Margaret's eyes and smiled. Then she returned her gaze to Margaret's hand, holding it in front of her face. "I think... you're saying I don't deserve to go through whatever trauma I'll go through, if we take this to your bedroom."

Ricarda gently parted Margaret's fingers one by one. "So," she continued, "you're making this more about you being concerned for me, than about you just being scared. Scared for yourself." Ricarda kissed Margaret's little finger. Margaret inhaled silently.

Ricarda moved the hand closer to her mouth. "See, I think... you're used to being in control. And in a boardroom, that's perfect. But in your personal life..." Ricarda kissed the next finger. "It's not an asset. It's a liability."

"I know," Margaret managed to say.

"And if you do this, with me, tonight, you don't know what will happen." Ricarda kissed Margaret's middle digit with a slow, soft brush of her lips. "Want to know what else I think?"

Margaret did not answer. Her chest raised and lowered as she breathed.

"I think," Ricarda continued, "you're scared you'll like it. That you'll like me. So much that it'll throw your life into turmoil if I leave this beautiful suite in the morning, and never see you again."

Margaret started to cry.

"I promise that won't happen," Ricarda said. She reached and touched Margaret's chin, raising her face. Margaret opened her eyes and looked at Ricarda. "I promise," Ricarda repeated firmly.

"You can't promise that," Margaret said. Tears ran down her cheeks. "What if I'm horrible? What if--"

"Are you scared I'll leave? Or are you scared I won't leave, if you want me to?"

"I'm scared of everything," Margaret shouted with a rare lack of self-control. "Can't you see? I can't do this. I just can't!"

"Is there anything you've said," Ricarda asked quietly, "that would be different if I was a man?"

Margaret looked at the couch. She finally shook her head, no.

"So this isn't about me as a woman. It's about relationships."

"I don't know," Margaret whispered. "I'm so confused. I've never felt so..." She let it trail off. Looking up, Margaret stared into Ricarda's eyes. "Sometimes I feel that us, sexually, would be amazing. You know? If it actually worked. But then I think, 'It's just not me.'"

Ricarda leaned forward; her face moved closer and closer to Margaret's.
  • Voted: 1305
  • Brand: Beginnings Press
  • Product Code: 1626020132
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $24.70



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