Ameristep Blaze Orange Hub Cap Hub-Style Blinds

Ameristep Blaze Orange Hub Cap Hub-Style Blinds

Ameristep Blaze Orange Hub Cap (Hub-Style Blinds)

Ameristep Blaze Orange Hub Blind Cap provides the safety conscious hunter with the assurance that they will be seen by other hunters even when inside the blind. Compact enough to fit in any small coat pocket or daypack. Fits securely over the roof of your blind, covering only 1/4 of the blind. Maintain 360 degrees visibility in the field without being easily seen and without affecting your shooting.
  • Maintain 360 degrees visibility in the field
  • Fits securely over the peak
  • Lightweight at only 1 pound so you can easily pack it along with the rest of your gear.
  • Voted: 542
  • Brand: Ameristep
  • Product Code: 4BZB002
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $41.99



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