AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Red Anthurium Flamingo Flower Indoor/Outdoor Live Plant, 6" Pot, Top Air Purifier
Anthurium plant is among the best-known tropical flowers. Popular in tropical flower arrangements, Anthurium bouquets are often used in weddings on Hawaii and other Pacific islands. These plants grow up to 1.5' Tall and up to a foot wide at maturity. The heart-shaped, shiny, dark-green leaves grow up to 8" Long & arise from a clump in the plant's center. This anthurium produces the bright-red, waxy flowers or spathes most commonly associated with these plants, & flowering occurs year-round when it's grown in the right conditions. When growing this species outdoors, situate it in a location with partial shade. Plants grown indoors require a bright location with indirect light & protection from drafts.
- Anthurium is very easy to look after, as it needs very little attention to keep looking beautiful for a long time.
- These easy-care indoor plants produce beautiful, long-lasting, waxy, heart- shaped "flowers" which are really modified leaves called "spathes" throughout the year.
- Anthurium plants look beautiful as table centerpieces or on a reception desk in an office.
- Anthurium plants like as much bright indirect light as possible, but no direct sun.
- Anthurium plants remove ammonia, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air.