AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese Live Plant...

-21% AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese Live Plant...

AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Monstera Adansonii Swiss Cheese Live Plant, 6" Pot, Indoor Air Purifier

Monstera Adansonii, also known as the Swiss cheese vine, is an easy-to-grow houseplant with show-stopper foliage. Each leaf is full of natural oval-shaped holes called fenestration that earn the plant Its nickname. Botanists believe that the holes in its leaves help the plant to standup to high winds & allow light to pass through to lower parts of the plant in its natural environment. Swiss cheese vine loves to climb, & when provided a stake or trellis, will reward you with larger leaves. Alternately, this vine makes a lovely hanging plant as without support, the vines will cascade down the sides of the pot.
  • Swiss cheese vine makes a perfect evergreen houseplant for both beginners and experts, since it's easy to care for and exotic in appearance.
  • Because it doesn't grow as fast and as big as the monstera deliciosa, it is perfect for smaller spaces. Smaller size, but still a big impact.
  • You can see why they call this "Swiss cheese plant". The narrow leaves have large oval shaped holes in them.
  • This plant makes an unusual hanging basket or trailing over a mixed pot. It is easy to grow and tolerates low light.
  • Voted: 994
  • Brand: AMPLEX
  • Product Code: Monstera Adansonii
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $44.99
  • $35.68



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