AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Split Leaf Philodendron Monstera Deliciosa...
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AMERICAN PLANT EXCHANGE Split Leaf Philodendron Monstera Deliciosa Live Plant, 3 Gallon, Indoor/Outdoor Fruit Producing
- Also known as the Swiss cheese plant, Mexican breadfruit, or Hurricane plant, Split Leaf Philodendron has glossy, heart-shaped or rounded leathery leaves that develop deep clefts and oblong perforations as they grow older.
- It produces flowers that develop into edible fruit that is said to taste like a fruit salad.
- With the proper care, these tropical foliage plants will thrive and add a living lushness to your home interior.
- Monstera deliciosa plants like standard indoor temperatures (68–86 °F), and prefer high humidity and filtered, indirect light. They can be grown outdoors in a shaded location as a climbing, evergreen Perennial in us Department of Agriculture zones 10-11.