AlkaZone Water Filter PRE-SR

AlkaZone Water Filter PRE-SR

Technical Information for Regular Pre-Filter System

The Premium Series mixed bed De-dusted Coconut Shell Cartridge are constructed of 100% FDA approved materials and have two Buna 70 washers to insure a tight seal. Materials are tightly packed into a sixty cubic inch filter to prevent channeling. These cartridges are used for Pre-filter system applications for municipally treated water.

The Coconut Shell Granulated Activated Carbon is manufactured under specially controlled conditions. These units are designed for water purification including portable water, beverage water, and aquarium water purification. It is particularly effective in removing chlorine, chloramines, TCE, PCE, THMs, phenols, pesticides, detergents, tastes and odor from water.

The suggested capacities are based on sound laboratories and field data that are reliable and offered in good faith. Your results may differ and should be verified by actual tests on subject water.

De-dusting carbon reduces carbon fine in the initial flushing of the cartridge.

Regular pre filter system with filter cartridge


  • Voted: 11799
  • Brand: AlkaZone
  • Product Code: ALKAPRESR
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $125.94



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