CountBoost for Men 60 count

CountBoost for Men 60 count

CountBoost for Men 60 count

CountBoost for Men is a non-prescription dietary supplement designed to be taken with FertilAid for Men. (CountBoost is not a standalone product; it must be taken along with FertilAid for Men. CountBoost is formulated specifically for trying-to-conceive men who are having problems with low sperm count, defined by the World Health Organization as one containing fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter of ejaculate. For most men, FertilAid for Men is sufficient while trying-to-conceive. It has a comprehensive formula that has been clinically demonstrated to increase the total number of sperm a man produces. If youÍve been specifically diagnosed with a low sperm count, however, you may consider adding CountBoost for Men to your daily regimen in order to more aggressively address the sperm count issue. One bottle contains 60 capsules (a 1 month supply)
  • Doctor-Designed to optimize sperm count and promote male reproductive health
  • Contains key vitamins, antioxidants, and botanicals
  • Designed to be taken with FertilAid for Men
  • Recommended Use: Take 2 capsules daily in divided doses with meals
  • Each bottle contains 60 capsules, a 1 month supply
  • Voted: 2811
  • Brand: Fairhaven Health
  • Product Code: 895749000189
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $35.12



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