Abilitations Integrations My First Journal - 8 1/2 x 11 inches

Abilitations Integrations My First Journal - 8 1/2 x 11 inches

Abilitations Integrations My First Journal - 8 1/2 x 11 inches

Abilitations journal helps improve fine motor control, legibility, and quality of written work, and contains paper with age-appropriate spaces for drawing and writing. The journal’s writing space has a highlighted lower line for correct letter placement and differentiation between upper- and lowercase letters, with the largest line space for beginner writers. The journal measures 8-1/2 x 11 inches (L x H). (L is length, the horizontal distance from left to right; H is height, the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point.) The journal includes an activity guide with suggestions for use, and may be suitable for special needs, early childhood, and elementary learning environments.

Special needs products are designed to help improve sensory processing, positioning and mobility, fine motor, and language and communication skills for students with learning challenges. Fine motor products can help individuals improve fine motor skills (hand dexterity), eye-hand coordination, handwriting, self-help skills, such as dressing, and focus and concentration.

School Specialty provides instructional materials and supplies under dozens of brands, among them Abilitations, Think Math, Delta Education, Frey Scientific, Childcraft, School Smart, and Speech Bin. The company, founded in 1959, is headquartered in Greenville, WI.

  • Journal helps improve fine motor control, legibility, and quality of written work
  • Age-appropriate space for drawing and writing
  • Highlighted lower-line space for correct letter placement and differentiation between upper- and lowercase letters
  • Largest line space for beginning writers
  • Measures 8-1/2 x 11 inches (L x H)
  • Voted: 4333
  • Brand: School Specialty
  • Product Code: 1337227
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $31.43



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