3rd Rock SunBlock for Infants and Children

3rd Rock SunBlock for Infants and Children

3rd Rock SunBlock for Infants and Children

3rd Rock offers the world's best broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection-in the world's first 100% natural, non-toxic (toxin free) sunscreen. ("Natural" and "non-toxic" are different. A sunscreen can be "all natural" and still be "toxic" - that is, kill skin cells on contact.) What's more, it's formulated for maximum water resistance and no ingredient breakdown in UV light for protection that keeps working. Not only does 3rd Rock protect your skin better than any sunscreen in the world, it's more than a sunscreen. 3rd Rock products are made with food grade edible ingredients only and formulated to not only provide the ultimate in broad-spectrum, long-lasting protection from UV rays, but also shuts down free radicals, reverse skin damage, strengthen immune response and reduces cytokine formation which is a pre-cursor and indicator of DNA damage. That's the second revolution - proactive benefits!
  • Toxin free (non-toxic) / made from food grade ingredients only
  • The best proven and patented broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection of ALL sunscreen brands
  • Strengthens immune response - aromatherapeutic
  • No ingredient breakdown in UV light for protection that keeps working
  • Maximum water resisitance
  • $97.44



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